Bye-bye Pacifier

Liam has spent the last week going to bed and naps without his pacifier.  His motivation?  A trip to Jumping Jax if he could go without it for seven days.  I felt like I had to resort to that after the cute little book about him growing up and not needing a pacifier just didn’t cut it.  I should have thought of it sooner, it was worth the price of playing there to get rid of the pacifier.  He has even still been falling asleep at naps without it, which surprised me.Jumping Jax was completely deserted when we arrived.  The two times I have been there it was crazy, so this was fantastic.  Bill, Ginger, and Liam played air hockey two times.  Liam loved it!
Ginger finally tried out the zip line again right before we left…she had tried it her first time at Jumping Jax.  That first time, she did it over and over and was having a great time and then she fell at the beginning and didn’t want to ever go on it again, so this was a big deal for her to finally “get back on the horse” so-to-speak.  We all had a very fun afternoon celebrating Liam’s success at giving up his pacifier!  We are very proud of him.

About Jessica

I am married to my college sweetheart and have three beautiful children. Things that interest me include: kids, healthy foods, coupons and great shopping deals. I am getting used to life with three little ones and my goals are getting my home organized, getting back into shape, and most of all loving my family & friends well each day!
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